Last Exit on Mainstream

Join me Rob Jones and my good friend Jamie Onolfo as we look into some of the cultural icons of the last 75 years
The great pretenders. The troubadours and storytellers the rabble rousers and crowd pleasers, and the biggest moments of our time

Last Exit on Mainstream…a pop culture adjacent podcast

The Social Dilemma Last Exit on Mainstream

  1. The Social Dilemma
  2. The Stone Masters of Dope Lake
  3. "it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward" – Copland and the search for credibility
  4. "You Picked The Wrong Man To Push" – Rambo and the 80s Action Movie
  5. "All I wanna do is go the distance" – Almost 50 Years of Rocky

Welcome to Last Exit on Mainstream, the podcast where we get deep into those actors, musicians, sportspeople and the events that have defined Pop Culture.

The idea is that we find a documentary or film or TV show and then have a conversation about iconic artists and individuals involved or the massive moments from the last 30, 40, 50 years they cover and come together with rose tinted nostalgia vision or 20/20 hindsight and see what conversations they spark.

One thing we want to avoid with this show is spending 2 hours talking about a particular actor or musician or movie or album, I think I want to try and see how far the influence of the people or events we talk about spread across pop culture so we’ll usually find a documentary film or series and we will spend some time going through it but hopefully what will happen is that it spawns discussions and tangents that we can rope into some kind of order and rather than one sprawling 2 hour podcast we end up with 4 or 5 bitesize episodes looking at and around a subject.

Some of the shows we have planned include a look at Sylvester Stallone, the work of Taylor Sheridan and Johnny Cash’s series of American Recordings.

Alongside these mini-series we’ll be producing various “bonus” shows around things we may have to skirt around on the main shows or random TV shows, movies or music that pop up from time to time and we just need a space to talk nonsense about.

So please head over to your favourite podcast app, subscribe and maybe leave us a review and tell a friend.

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